International Multidisciplinary School - Conference in
Medical and Healthcare Sciences
Tbilisi State Medical University
December 09-11, 2022 / Tbilisi, Georgia
The goal of the International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences is to discuss and disseminate the results of the latest scientific researches in basic, clinical and biomedical sciences. It is planned to hold a student section within the school-conference.
The school-conference is organized by Tbilisi State Medical University, IKSAD - Institute of Economic Development and Social Researches (Turkey) and World Health Institute (UK).
Conference Calendar
Deadline for application for participation and sending abstracts - no later than 21/11/2022
Deadline for payment of the registration fee -
no later than 28/11/2022
Announcement of the conference program -
no later than 02/12/2022
Full Text Submission Deadline: -no later than 18/12/2022
Publication of Conference Proceedings Book: 25/12/2022

The conference is open to merit academic papers written in the following disciplines:
Basic and applied biomedical sciences
•Adolescent endocrinology •Anatomy •Biomedical technologies •Clinical anatomy and Operative surgery •Genetics •History of medicine •Medical biochemistry •Medical biology and parasitology •Medical chemistry •Medical education •Medical engineering •Medical laboratory sciences •Medical pharmacology •Medical physics, biophysics and biomechanics •Pathological anatomy •Pathophysiology •Physiology •Histology and Embryology
Clinical medicine
•Allergology and immunology •Alternative medicine •Anesthesiology and Rehanimatology •Angiology •Angiosurgery •Cardiac surgery •Cardiology •Child ‘s and adolescent psychiatry •Child ‘s cardiac surgery •Child ‘s cardiology •Child ‘s endocrinology •Child ‘s neurology •Child ‘s ophthalmology •Children's surgery •Child ‘s medicine •Clinical psychology •Dermatology and venereal diseases •Emergency medicine •Endocrinology •Family medicine •Forensic Medicine •Gastroenterology •General surgery •Geriatrics •Gynecological Oncosurgery •Gynecology •Hematology •Health of parent and child •Infectious diseases and clinical microbiology •Internal medicine •Medical rehabilitation and sports medicine •Neonatology •Nephrology •Neurology •Neurosurgery •Obstetrics •Oncology •Oncosurgery •Ophthalmology •Orthopedics-traumatology •Otorhinolaryngology •Pediatrician •Phthisiatry •Physical medicine and rehabilitation •Plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery •Psychiatry •Pulmonology •Radiation oncology •Radiology •Rheumatology •Thoracic surgery •Transfusiology •Urology
•Children and adolescents’ Maxillofacial surgery •Children and adolescents’ Therapeutic dentistry •Implantology •Maxillofacial surgery •Odontology •Pariodontology and oral mucosa diseases •Oral surgery •Orthodontics •Orthopedic dentistry •Periodontology •Prevention of dental diseases •Surgical dentistry
Public health
•Environmental health •Epidemiology and Biostatistics •Health policy •health promotion •Health, physical education and recreation •Healthcare management •Hygiene and medical ecology •International health care •Nutrition, environment and occupational health •Occupational diseases •Occupational health •Preventive medicine •public health •Radiation safety in medicine
•Clinical pharmacy •Pharmaceutical Botany •Pharmaceutical technology •Pharmacognosy •Social pharmacy
Working languages of the school-conference: English, Georgian, Turkish and Russian.
Organizing & Science Committee
Luiza Gabunia
Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Director of Scientific Research-Skills Center of Tbilisi State Medical University,
Associate Professor
Nona Janikashvili
Chairman of the Scientific Committee, Senior Specialist of Scientific Work Coordination, Master's and Doctorate Service of Tbilisi State Medical University, Associate Professor
Organizing Committee:
Tbilisi State Medical University:
Shorena Khetsuriani - Senior Specialist of the Scientific Research-Skills Center of TSMU, associate professor;
Natia Gamkrelidze - Senior Specialist of the Scientific Research-Skills Center of TSMU, associate professor;
Gigi Gorgadze - Chairman of the TSMU student scientific-research organization "Endeavor";
Science Georgia:
Manuchar Shishinashvili - Associate Professor of Technical University of Georgia;
Giorgi Chubinidze - Assistant Professor of Technical University of Georgia.
Association of Science and Technology:
Merab Tavadze - Director
Mikheil Kechakmadze -jsc Institut IGH, Academic Doctor
Vakhtang Atabegashvili - Coordinator
Scientific Committe:
Luiza Gabunia - Director of Scientific Research-Skills Center of Tbilisi State Medical University, Associate Professor
Shorena Khetsuriani - Senior Specialist of the Scientific Research-Skills Center of TSMU, associate professor;
Natia Gamkrelidze - Senior Specialist of the Scientific Research-Skills Center of TSMU, associate professor;
Rima Beriashvili - Head of the US MD Program of the Tbilisi State Medical University, Professor;
Tamar Kandashvili - Professor of the Tbilisi State Medical University
Levan Baramidze - Professor of the Tbilisi State Medical University;
Nana Gorgaslidze - Professor of the Tbilisi State Medical University;
Lia Sanodze - Head of the Apollon Urushadze Dental Clinic of the Tbilisi State Medical University, Associate Professor
Ketevan Ghambashidze – Associate Professor of the Tbilisi State Medical University;
Husein Eris - Assistant Professor of the Haran University (Şanlıurfa, Turkey);
Sumeyya Altiparmak - Assistant Professor of the Inonu University (Ankara, Turkey);
Ayshe Yilmaz - Assistant Professor of the Firat University (Ankara, Turkey).
David Wortley - Visiting Fellow at Bournemouth University (UK)
Bukhatem Mohamed Nadjib - Phd. Université Saad Dahlab Blida (Algeria)

Presentation of scientific materials:
The registration application (form - see below) and abstracts (form - see below) are accepted until November 21, 2022.
The authors will receive a notification about the results of the review of the submitted abstract no later than 28/11/2022.
The positive result of the review and the payment of the registration fee by the applicant are the conditions for confirming the participation in the school-conference.
Recommended forms:
For registration form - Click Here
For abstract template - Click Here
Full Text Template Click Here
For a poster report (Voluntary) - Click Here
For a presentation template (Voluntary) - Click Here
Working languages of the school-conference: English, Georgian, Turkish and Russian.
Conference Registration Fee
Conference registration fee:
Online participation FEE (via zoom): 30 USD
To pay 30 USD click on the link: https://www.paytr.com/link/UhLDZHw?lang=en
Face-to-face participation FEE: 20 USD
To pay 20 USD click on the link https://www.paytr.com/link/aHNqf2d?lang=en
Online participation FEE for Local scientists (via zoom): 100 GEL (+30 Gel for each co-author)
Online participation FEE for Local students (via zoom): 50 GEL one article (maximum number of authors allowed - 3 students + 1 scientific supervisor)
Face-to-face participation FEE for Turkey scientists: 350 TL
Face-to-face participation FEE for Local scientists: 100 GEL (+30 Gel for each co-author)
Face-to-face participation FEE for Local students: 50 GEL one article (maximum number of authors allowed - 3 students + 1 scientific supervisor)

Abstract Submission Process
Abstracts should be sent to info@sciencegeorgia.com till November 21, 2022.
The abstract must be submitted in English, in the prescribed format, and contain not less than 250 and no more than 350 words. Otherwise, the abstract will not be considered.
The scientific committee reviews the presented work. The final decision regarding acceptance of the abstract will be notified till November 28, 2022.
Abstract Template Click Here
Full Text Submission Process
The full text of the paper must be submitted as a MS Word document in .doc or .docx format (not in PDF format) and be titled with the author's name and the abstract number of the paper;
All texts must be in English, Georgian, Turkish or Russian.
Download the full text template and follow the instructions;
Papers that do not conform to the proposed format will not be accepted;
If after review of the paper it is necessary to revise and correct it, the full text of the revised article based on the comments and suggestions of the reviewers should be sent within one week from the beginning.
To download the full text template - click here
The collection of abstracts, as well as the full texts of the papers, will be posted on the websites of Science Georgia and other partner scientific organizations:
Full Text Template Click Here
Accommodation Recommendations
Hotel Batesta - https://batesta.ge/
Hotel Ameri Plaza - https://ameriplaza.ge/
Hotel Parma - https://hotel-parma-hotel.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral
Hotel - Holiday Inn - https://www.ihg.com/holidayinn/hotels/us/en/tbilisi/tbsms/hoteldetail
Hotel - Best Western Tbilisi Art Hotel - https://bestwesterntbilisi.ge/
Hotel - Episode Tbilisi - https://www.episodehotels.com/
Hotel - RIO - https://website-6329479734542274840102-hotel.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral